VA Assistant - Ways You Can Streamline How You Work with Your Virtual Assistant

Many people feel as though working with a virtual assistant in the UK can be more time-consuming and frustrating than it’s worth. But this could not be further from the truth. When you find ways to streamline the process of working with your VA, you make the most of the experience!

Know What You Need From Them

Before you begin the VA hiring process, you should have a clear idea about the daily and/or weekly tasks that you need help with. Spend some time thinking about what the realistic workload of your virtual assistant in the UK will look like.

Be Aware of Your VA’s Limitations

Virtual assistants are often referred to as unicorns, as many of them are skilled in various fields, but you should keep in mind that VAs are humans and they do have their limitations. 

Before you start assigning your VA unmanageable tasks and projects, ensure that you have a clear idea of what they can and cannot do. This will save you time and avoid any confusion or miscommunication.

Get into a Routine

While the tasks you’d like your VA to handle may change from day to day, one of the best ways in which you can streamline your experience is to create somewhat of a routine for your virtual personal assistant in the UK

For example, you could ask that your VA begin their day by replying to emails and social media tasks and that Instagram posts are posted on Tuesdays and Thursdays. By creating this bit of structure, you save yourself from having to be in constant communication.

Decide Which is the Easiest Way for You to Communicate with Your VA

As your virtual assistant will not be in the office with you, you’ll need to decide on a virtual means of communication. You have a wide variety of options available to you, including Zoom, Skype, email, and a wide variety of messaging platforms and virtual workspaces. 

Decide what platform works best for you so that you can streamline communication and ensure that all messages and information sharing take place on one platform.

Ready to hire a virtual personal assistant in the UK? VAssist Me has got you covered. We are your trusted experts when it comes time to outsource a virtual assistant in the UK and we’d love to help you find the perfect fit for your business. Contact us today for more information about VAs in the UK.