VA Skills - The Most Common Mistakes People Make When Hiring a Virtual Assistant

Are you looking to outsource a virtual assistant in the UK? This could be the best decision you’ll ever make in terms of moving your business forward, as long as you don’t make any of these common mistakes:

Not Going Through an Agency

While you could always hire a virtual personal assistant in the UK directly, it is usually much better to go through an agency, as this will definitely save you time. VA agencies have a wide network of fully vetted VAs that have the skills and experience you need to move your business forward.

Expecting All VAs to Have Specialised Skills

Each VA is different in terms of the skills that they can offer your business. While most VAs can handle admin-related tasks, replying to emails, social media management, and data entry, not all are skilled in bookkeeping, graphic design, copywriting, and other specialised skills. It is important that you have realistic expectations and know which specialised skills you may be looking for, if any.

Wanting to Pay Your Virtual Assistant Less Than They Deserve

Virtual assistants are known for being affordable alternatives to in-house assistants, but that does not mean that they should be paid less than they deserve for their skills and services. A virtual assistant can add immense value to your business’s operations, and you can expect to see a return on your investment when you decide to outsource a virtual assistant in the UK. This means that you should be prepared to compensate your VA fairly. 

Not Communicating Properly

When you hire a virtual assistant for the first time, clear communication is truly key. You should have a clear and definitive idea of the type of tasks you are wanting help with, what sort of hours you’d like your VA to be available for, and all the other details necessary for a smooth collaboration. 

Are you looking to hire a virtual assistant in the UK? By hiring a VA, you could help streamline your business operations and give you more time to focus on other aspects of your business. Contact us today, and we can tell you more about our skilled virtual assistants.