then now - The Interesting Evolution of Virtual Assistants

While working as a virtual assistant in the UK is still a relatively new profession, the career has an interesting history with a few major turning points. Let’s dive into the world of virtual assistants and see where they come from, what caused their increase in popularity, and how they offer value to businesses from around the globe. 

Assistants Through the Ages

Before virtual assistants, there were in-house assistants, who are still very popular to this day. In-house assistants, such as secretaries and personal assistants perform various admin-related tasks from an office space within the business premises. These types of careers became quite common from the early 1900s and while the industry was first occupied only by men, it was soon dominated by women!

Along Came the Internet

The internet was invented in the mid-1980s, and this made it far easier to work from home than ever before. Now, you could keep in touch with your employees with just a few clicks, even if they weren’t physically in the office. From the early 2000s, it was not unheard of for companies to hire virtual assistants in the UK and around the world.

The Rise of Remote Work

While the internet played a major role in helping more assistants work from home, there was another major event that caused the rise of remote work. This event was the lockdown of 2020. With so many people working from, the benefits and opportunities of this type of work soon became apparent to many people. More people wanted to become virtual assistants and more people also wanted to hire virtual assistants. Even when everyone could go back to the office, many remote positions were still retained.

Virtual Assistants Today

It should come as no surprise that virtual assistants in the UK are in constant demand in our modern day and age. The scalable services offered by virtual assistants are well-suited to business’s fluctuating needs. More and more businesses and individuals are beginning to realise the cost-saving benefits that virtual personal assistants in the UK have to offer. The expectation is that this sought-after profession will only become more and more popular.

Are you looking to outsource a virtual assistant in the UK? Here at VAssistMe, we specialise in helping businesses and individuals find virtual assistants that best suit their specific needs. Contact us today if you’re interested in streamlining your processes and elevating your business offering by hiring a virtual assistant in the UK.