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Ready to free up your time & restore the balance between your work & personal life? Contact us to find out how you can hire a virtual assistant in the UK today.

As a business owner, it’s possible for your business to become your whole life. Sound familiar? You are not alone. According to SEMrush, 81% of business owners report working into the evening and 89% work over weekends, often leading to 50+ hour work weeks. 

However, science shows that working more than 40 hours a week is detrimental to your health and the stability of your relationships. But when you outsource a virtual assistant in the UK, you can restore some of that balance.

The Challenge For Business Owners

While every professional occasionally struggles to maintain a healthy work and personal life, small business owners and entrepreneurs often have greater difficulty managing opposing demands. Aside from the challenges of balancing work, relationships, health, and family aspirations, managers and small business owners also have to stay on top of all the different duties associated with running a business.

The science behind working 50+ hours a week shows:

  • A startling increase in alcohol and tobacco dependency, unhealthy weight gain, depression and anxiety in adults
  • In addition to physical symptoms like neck, back, or chest discomfort, there is an increased risk of stroke, coronary heart disease, and type 2 diabetes
  • Increased strain on relationships

Tips For Restoring The Balance Between Work And Personal Life

Ironically, most small company owners start out to escape the corporate rat race and find meaning in creating something unique and significant for themselves. However, they usually don’t anticipate the obstacles and pitfalls along the way. 

Small business owners and entrepreneurs are often so preoccupied and overwhelmed by the mundane, time-consuming tasks and the demanding day-to-day effort of operating a business that they neglect other areas of their life. But by focussing on the following points, you can reclaim your balance.

  • Prioritise your key projects and do them first
  • Take time to relax both mentally and physically
  • Include exercise in your everyday regimen
  • Set boundaries for how much work enters your home life
  • Maintain friendships by meeting with a friend for coffee or dinner at least once a week
  • Take stock of pressures in your romantic relationships that can be traced back to overworking, and address them together with your partner
  • Spend your free time with your hobbies and interests
  • Prioritise your daily health and self-care routines
  • Invest in a multivitamin or immune-boosting daily supplement

This sounds easier said than done, but the most strategic approach to reclaiming a balance between your work and personal life is by freeing up your extra time.

HOW? With the help of a virtual personal assistant for UK-based businesses. 

How Virtual Assistants Can Help You Restore The Balance

Virtual assistants improve productivity and free up time for business owners by handling vital, recurring, and time-consuming tasks. Reduced stress leads to a renewed energy that gives business owners time to reassess their priorities.

At VAssistme, we believe that virtual assistant does more than simply handle a business’s tactical to-do list activities. We believe that offering business owners more time and energy to concentrate is an intangible asset on a personal and professional level.

Ready to free up your time and restore the balance between your work and personal life? Get in touch and find out how you can hire a virtual assistant in the UK today.