“As an experienced business person in the USA, I always thought that I could handle all of my own admin. I would never trust anyone else to book my appointments, and the idea of a personal assistant accessing my business accounts software was definitely not appealing to me.

But as my business ventures began to expand, my administrative tasks became out of control. It was completely out of hand! My inbox was bursting at the seams, and calls were going unanswered because I was in meetings all day.

I needed to find an answer. A contact of mine recommended that I try a virtual assistant from VAssistme.com and it is the best thing I have ever done. I don’t need to pay for office space or equipment as they handle everything from their end. Within just a week, I was very familiar with my VA, and they knew exactly how I like my admin taken care of.

Since then, everything about my business has been more organized, and I sleep easy knowing that my admin is taken care of. My business has also gone from strength to strength, plus I have more time to focus on the important aspects of my business, as well as my personal life.“

VA Client

Hire a Virtual Assistant Today to Take the Stress Out of Your Admin

Have you been considering hiring a virtual assistant in the USA? A virtual executive assistant is an affordable way to save you time and to remove annoying admin from your daily schedule. It is like having a personal assistant on hand but without having to provide office space, a computer, or pay for any holidays. It truly is the ideal solution for any busy business person!

While you may be skeptical, thousands of businesses are currently making use of virtual assistants in the USA alone. Don’t miss out! Make your life easier and hire a VAssistme.com virtual assistant today!

Are you interested in hiring a virtual assistant in the USA? We have a diverse array of VAs, and by learning more about your virtual executive needs, we can connect you with the ideal virtual assistant!

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Download 55 ways to use a Virtual Assistant