VA TASKS - The Most Common Tasks Handled by Virtual Assistants

The Most Common Tasks Handled by Virtual Assistants

While each virtual assistant is unique and offers a specific skillset based on their knowledge and experience, it is always a good idea to have a general idea of the typical tasks handled by VAs. This can help you manage your expectations and know what is possible when hiring a VA.

At the end of the day, the common denominator is that a virtual assistant can save you time by handling admin-related tasks and clearing your to-do list. But now, let’s have a look at some of the most common services provided by VAs!

Content Planning

These days, social media and digital marketing play a vital role in the overall success of your business. A virtual assistant can help you with planning your content and deciding when social media and blog posts should be published by creating a detailed content calendar.


A tiny typo or grammatical error can make your business look unprofessional and lazy. VAs can help with proofreading by taking the time to double-check your content before it gets published.


Publishing content can be tedious and time-consuming, especially when you have more important tasks on your to-do list. This is why many business owners hand over all the content publishing tasks to their virtual assistants.

Travel Arrangements

Whether you travel for business or pleasure, a virtual assistant can help with handling travel arrangements. From doing research into hotels to booking your flights, they can completely streamline your trip and ensure there aren’t any hiccups along the way.

Data Entry

Virtual assistants are known for their attention to detail and admin-related skills. This is why data entry work is such a common task given to virtual assistants. It can also easily be done remotely and doesn’t require much management or guidance.

Understanding Specialised Virtual Assistants

What are specialised virtual assistants, you ask? They are VAs that have a more diverse and in-depth skillset. They often offer services like copywriting, video editing, accounting, and more. While their services may cost more than ‘standard’ VAs, they can add more value to your business operations.

Have you been thinking about hiring a virtual assistant in Australia? Here at VAssitMe, we help businesses from across various industries outsource virtual assistants. Whatever your preferences may be, we can help you find a virtual assistant who aligns with your needs. Learn more about what we have to offer by browsing our website or contacting us if you have any further questions.

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