Email Marketing - Email Management Techniques Your Virtual Assistant Can Implement

If you’re looking for an easy way to enjoy more free time and a healthier work-life balance, you may want to outsource a virtual assistant in the USA to take care of your emails. In this article, we’ll discuss a few highly effective email management techniques your new VA can employ.

Inbox Zero Philosophy

This is a popular strategy used by businesses all over the world. It requires immediate action for every email that pops into your inbox so that your inbox stays at zero at all times. Spam should be deleted. Important emails should be responded to and then neatly filed away. With no clutter filling up your inbox, it will be a lot more manageable to deal with your emails.

Create Email Templates

When you hire a virtual assistant in the USA, they may not always know how to respond to emails… especially at first. But this is where email templates come in handy. Consider the most common types of emails your business receives (product enquiries, event invitations, etc), then create a detailed template for each of these situations. Now your VA can respond quickly while maintaining your brand voice and identity.

Unsubscribing from Spam

Unfortunately, spam can infiltrate your inbox, no matter how careful you are about putting your email address out there. Unsubscribing from spam is a task that your virtual assistant is more than capable of handling. If unsubscription is not an option, you can always ask them to block spam email accounts.

File Emails into Different Categories

If you want your email inbox to remain organized, then creating different folders is absolutely essential. Guide your VA on how to file these emails correctly so that nothing ends up in the wrong folder. Now, it should be easy to find anything you are looking for, whether it be client enquiries, invoices from your energy company, or updates from your marketing team.

Flag Any Emails That Need More Attention

No matter how good your virtual assistant is, there are still likely to be a few emails that will require a direct response from you, the business owner. In these cases, request that your VA flag these emails so that they jump out at you the minute you get a chance to have a look at your emails.

Do you want to outsource a virtual assistant in the USA? VAssistMe can help you find the perfect candidate thanks to our extensive database of experienced virtual assistants. Book a free consultation to find out more about how we can help you elevate your business with a virtual assistant. We look forward to hearing from you.

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