Customer Service - 4 Reasons You Should Consider Offering 24/7 Customer Support

24/7 support is no longer exclusively for crisis hotlines and emergency services. There are more and more businesses that offer 24/7 customer support so that their clients can get hold of them at any time of the day or night. While offering service may come at an extra expense for your business, there are so many worthwhile benefits involved with making this investment.

In this article, we highlight 6 compelling reasons to begin offering 24/7 customer care. Here at VAssistme, we help outsource virtual assistants in the USA for businesses of all types and sizes. Hiring a VA is one of the most effective ways to begin offering 24/7 customer support services.

1. People Are Impatient

In this age of instant gratification, people have become very impatient. If someone has a question about your products or services, they want an answer immediately. By offering 24/7 customer support, you ensure that questions are answered in a timely manner and that you don’t lose out on a sale.

2. Don’t Lose Customers to Your Competition

If a competitor offers 24/7 customer support and you don’t, you could very well lose potential customers to your competitors for this very simple reason. Investing in 24/7 support services is just one way to stay ahead of your competition.

3. Cater to an International Target Market

Business hours in the USA are not the same as business hours in Spain or South Africa, so if you aren’t available during the business hours of other countries, you could be missing out on sales and revenue. When you hire a virtual assistant in the USA, they can help you break time zone barriers and connect with as many potential clients as possible.

4. Have ‘Emergencies’ Dealt with immediately 

Each business will have different types of situations that they deem an emergency. For instance, let’s say one of the products that you sold was faulty. If a customer can get hold of you at any time, the situation can be dealt with swiftly. If you leave the unhappy customer waiting for a response for hours, they may make use of social media and leave nasty reviews on public platforms.

Book a free consultation or contact us directly to learn more about the benefits you can expect when you hire a virtual assistant in the USA. We’d love to see your business reach its goals and achieve the success that it deserves.

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